Screen Lock Pro
With animation and functionalities you would love.
If you want to save the power button,
if your power button has some issue,
if its in a danger area,
if your device is slippery enough,
or its a big tablet device,
you may want to have an easy control to screen off and lock the device.
Everyone's favorite Tool
The highly features packed tool for modern Android™
At finger tip
☞ Smart lock (Shortcut)
☞ Screen lock Widget
☞ From notification
☞ Floating Widget
☞ Vibration feedback
☞ Lock and unlock sound
☞ Respects DND mode.
Using sensors
☞ Air swipe
☞ Desk option
☞ Awesome shake
Usability enhancements
☞ ‘Movement listener’ option for distraction free reading experience. Just move a little when the device is about to sleep.
☞ ‘Pause on apps’ to pause sensor events on selected apps.
☞ ‘On home screen’ to let sensor event work only on home screen.
☞ ‘Pause on landscape’ to pause sensor events while in landscape mode. Play games effortlessly.
☞ ‘Pause on call’ to let the device follow its default course of action.
Highly customisable lock icon with easy to use interface. Option to use Metallic and Material icon as choice for both Admin lock and Smart lock.